Artienda’s Cookie Statement

This is our initial policy and the first stage towards achieving cookie compliance for our visitors. These details are to provide you with information so that you are fully aware of the cookies we have in use, enabling you to make an informed choice about your continued acceptance of them. We are working on a multiple-stage approach to meet the EU guidelines relating to online privacy and cookies and this will be updated and monitored regularly.


Cookies are small files sent back and forth with web pages which can be used to identify that you have previously visited a site or to store small bits of information locally with you. If you want to know more about what cookies are visit Cookies on our site – set by our 3rd party partners or us – can be in the form of session or persistent cookies, or may be used by different technologies, such as JavaScript or Flash. If you would like to ‘opt out’ of the cookies set by our site, this can be accomplished on a cookie-by-cookie basis subject to browser settings. These cookies may be used to collect analytics of non-personal visitor activity and to help manage your user experience. You may limit site operation or functions if you limit the cookies. To find out how to control them via your browsers/device, visit
